When we think of survival stories, visions of plane crashes in the wilderness and disasters at sea come to mind. However, Slake's Limbo by Felice Holman is an unusual addition to the genre, because the setting is the labyrinth of the New York City subway system and its tunnels.
Thirteen year-old Aremis Slake has faced alot of hardship in his young life. He lives with a neglectful aunt, has no friends, and is ignored in school. Unfortunately, he is small for his age, and is the target of bullies in his neighborhood. When they chase him, Slake always finds refuge in the subway and rides around until his world becomes habitable once again.
One day, things go particularly badly for Slake. First, he is pursued by bullies who take his sweater. Afterwards, he runs into a park and climbs a tree, where a park attendant threatens to call the police. Out of options, Slake runs into the nearest subway station, and remains in the tunnels for 121 days.
How does Slake survive and turn an unusual environment into a home? Does he ever come out of his subterranean lair?
This is a classic novel about homelessness, courage, and endurance.