Anne Frank was a thirteen year-old German-Jewish girl who went "into hiding" in an Amsterdam office building with her family and four other people for over two years when the Nazis came to power and began to deport Jews to concentration camps. She wrote about her experiences and feelings in a diary (later published and called
Diary of A Young Girl) which was accidentally discovered by Miep Gies, a young woman who risked her life by helping the Franks when they were secreted away, by bringing supplies, and news of the outside world. Anne died in The Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany, when she was just under sixteen years old. The diary continues to live on as a unique voice of a young person who lived during one of the darkest times in history.
"My story is a story of very ordinary people during extraordinarily terrible times. Times the like of which I hope with all my heart will never, never come again. It is for all of us ordinary people all over the world to see to it that they do not."
-Miep Gies
Anne Frank Remembered
In Anne Frank Remembered written by Miep Gies and Alison Gold, Miep recounts the story of her childhood as a refugee from Austria, how she came to work for Otto Frank in his spice business, and made the decision to help take care of the Franks when they were in hiding. Through Miep's unique perspective, we can feel the tension of the people in hiding, their reactions to the events happening in the world around them, and mostly, we learn about Anne Frank, who loved movie stars, spending time with her friends, and writing in her diary. When Anne and her family were betrayed and arrested, it was Miep who found the diary which the Nazis had carelessly tossed aside in their raid of the hiding place, and gave it to Otto Frank, the only survivor of the families in hiding.
This is a beautifully written, heartfelt, and touching account of a person who decided not to be a bystander and follow the dictates of her own heart as the world crumbled around her. It is a stunning tribute to what makes us human.